Regional ANR Outcome Programs
These scan forms were developed by the ANR RPLs and ODA to provide some common indicators of ANR programmatic impact for counties for each region. The forms can be customized in two ways.
First, common indicators are available via pull-down menus for change in understanding and intentions to adopt. You have the flexibility to select any number of these indicators and/or add your own items in these fields.
Second, on forms that have participant background and economic impact questions, these questions can be removed via a toggle box if they are not appropriate for your activity (i.e., if the program is a series of events and you only need to capture participant background and economic impact at the last event in the series).
Unit Specific Outcome Programs
- Cotton Scout School Survey (includes blank lines on Q3 & Q4 for custom items)
Horticultural Sciences
- Earth Kind (pull-downs for common indicators and line for event title/date)
- Small Acreage Horticulture Crops (all blank items)
- Small Acreage Horticulture Crops (prepopulated items + few blank items)
- Master Gardener Citrus Specialist