Customer Satisfaction for Adults
Important Notes:
- Anyone can use customer satisfaction forms.
- All of the options below count toward meeting the state requirement for customer satisfaction reporting.
Data collection options for customer satisfaction fall into three categories. First, there is a set of “standard forms” without an outcome section. Second, there is a set of “with outcomes” forms that includes customer satisfaction and outcome sections. Third, in certain situations it may be appropriate to use the online version of the standard customer satisfaction form.
Standard Customer Satisfaction Forms
These forms have the state-required questions for customer satisfaction, other customer satisfaction questions, and a few open-ended questions for program improvement purposes.
- Customer Satisfaction – Standard version
- Customer Satisfaction – Multiple speakers (up to 4 sessions)
- Customer Satisfaction – Multiple speakers (up to 6 sessions)
- Customer Satisfaction – Multiple speakers (up to 7 sessions)
- Customer Satisfaction – Multiple speakers (up to 12 sessions)
- Customer Satisfaction – Larger Print for Seniors
- Customer Satisfaction – Spanish language version
Customer Satisfaction with Outcomes Forms
These forms have the state-required questions for customer satisfaction plus one or more outcome sections.
- Customer satisfaction with change in understanding – Version 1
- Customer satisfaction with change in understanding – Version 2
- Customer satisfaction with change in understanding & intentions to adopt – Version 1
- Customer satisfaction with change in understanding & intentions to adopt – Version 2
- Customer satisfaction with blank space to add your own question
Standard Customer Satisfaction Form Online
The standard customer satisfaction form implemented as a web survey. Appropriate in limited situations.
ODA has set up the adult and youth versions of the standard customer satisfaction survey in Qualtrics. Program participants can be directed to the link to complete the survey.
Is this appropriate for all Extension program activity?
If administering the survey at the conclusion of an online activity, yes, the online survey works well- just provide the survey link in the chat area.
If administering the survey at the conclusion of an in-person activity, provide the short URL or QR code before participants leave.
Historically, the online version of the customer satisfaction survey does not work as well if sent to participants a few days after an online or in-person activity due to low response rate. A possible exception is an activity with frequent participant engagement (i.e., volunteers, newsletter subscribers, program series) coupled with a complete participant email list.
How do I get started?
You MUST do the following or you will LOSE your data:
- Complete and return this cover sheet to ODA BEFORE directing participants to the web survey.
- Wait for ODA approval to proceed with the survey.
- Provide program participants with the appropriate link below. The event listing is the first survey question and must be selected before proceeding to the remainder of the survey. This is the only way we can link survey responses to your specific event.
What are the links?
URL and QR code for ADULTS: http://tx.ag/TCSA