4-H Explore Guides
Guides in leading project experiences for youth available at the 4-H website. Many of the projects have have a scan form for evaluation at the very end of the PDF file.
Agriculture Awareness (Science of Agriculture)
Animals / Livestock / Natural Resources
- Dairy 5.8
- Dog 6.3
- Entomology 5.8
- Forestry 5.0
- General Livestock Clinic
- Horse 5.9
- Hatching in the Classroom 6.2
- Horse Judging 5.9
- Livestock Judging 7.2
- Livestock Project (Pre) (Post) 7.5
- Poultry 5.8
- Quality Counts – Intentions to Change 4.8
- Quality Counts – Knowledge Gained (Pre) (Post) (Key) 9
- Rabbit 5.4
- Wool and Mohair 7.3
- Vet Science 3.9
Character Education
- Character Education 5.1
- Take a Stand – Grades 3 – 5 4.9
- Take a Stand – Grades 6 – 8 6.6
- Take a Stand – Grades 9 – 12 7.3
- Texans Building Character – Adoption 5.1
- Texans Building Character – Attitudes (Pre) 5.8 (Post) 6.9 (Key) 5.8
Clothing / Textiles
- Clothing Program 1 4.5
- Clothing Program 2 6.4
- Duds to Dazzle 6.6
Consumer Education / Entrepreneurship / Money
Customer Satisfaction for Youth
- Customer Satisfaction for Older Youth (ages 13 – 18) 6.6
- Customer Satisfaction for Older Youth (ages 13 – 18) with Change in Understanding and Intentions to Adopt 6.4
Food / Nutrition
- Junior Master Gardener Curriculum (Pre) (Post) (Key) 3.3
- Junior Master Gardener Leadership and Community Service 4.3
- Horticulture 5.5
- Range & Horticulture 5.4
- Leaders 4 Life 8.5
- Leadership 5.6
- Leadership Behavior 5.3
- Leadership Program 5.9
- Youth Boards (Pre) (Post) 5
- Youth Safety 4.1
- Shooting Sports Contest 6.7
- Shooting Sports 6.1
- Sports Fishing 5.3